Snappy Bunting baby dress/shirt

Very excited to be sewing more!  You've seen the dress above already. Rowan showed very little interest in it.

I did a lot of knitting for Rowan before he was born, and I am knitting a sweater for Vera, but dresses are just so cute and easy.  Very different from knitting, the ability to sit down and finish something during a naptime or two.

So again, I picked a dress from Pinterest that had a free pattern and tutorial:

Now you may also recall that I had bought a bunch of adorable fabric from

So the first decision was which to use!  The two big floral prints (4th and 5th down) are under consideration for this dress:

I narrowed it down to the bunting and the bicycles and went with the bunting:

It was a fun sew! -- I'm getting better at bias tape, even though if you look closely it's different sizes under the arms.  Oh well, I'm sure she won't notice.  I've never used snaps before and had no idea how easy they were.  I will use more snaps in the future, though I will probably get some decorative ones.  These were very utilitarian (as snaps are wont to be, I guess.)

A closeup, though the focus should've been on the pleats and snap!

I think the party dress is next, so we'll see you soon with that one!


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