Baby Picture of the Week

We were out and about last week visiting Michelle and Ross and Cameron in Erie PA.

We had such fun! They took us for Rowan's first sail on their sailboat (The Wombat)

We met some new friends (who are singing opera in this photo-- Drake was singing too, and his proximity to R's ear caused a small fit :)

 Cameron just turned one, so he's the Pioneer baby for me... :)  we keep a close eye on him so we know what we have to look forward to with Rowan.  Plus! then Michelle and Ross have great advice for us as we catch up!  Right now the boys are in such a different place developmentally but, as Michelle pointed out, they have the same age difference that she and I have! So we think they'll be fast friends eventually :)

Drake and Rowan and I spent the morning at one of the beaches on the Peninsula and it was beyond wonderful.

 Rowan did not seem overly anxious to get in the water at first

But he stuck his toes in eventually and splashed around

Then he enjoyed drying off his toes in the sun


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